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Interview Cases


Case 3: AssemblyLine component

Many interview tests ask for code snippets similar to those on LeetCode, such as the Knapsack problem... React tests mainly focus on functional components (FC), which makes sense since what else could they test?

Case 3: I had no idea where to start. But later in the day, I figured it out and managed to complete it in the afternoon. The plain background GIF is the demo they provided.

The main idea is that we can add an item, and when we click on the item, two things can happen:

  • 1) Short press - the item will be appended to the right column, unless it's already in the last column (in which case it will be deleted).

  • 2) Long press - the item will be appended to the "left" column, unless it's already in the first column (in which case it will also be deleted).

  • 3) Anyway, the functionality should be the same, CSS doesn't matter.

This is what my work looks like deployed on Github Pages

Link: AssemblyLine component 👈

Case 2: Search filter component

Case 2: I did this one a while ago. For deployment's sake I have added CSS and made it look nicer.

I think it is acceptable to put the provided test input on Github Pages as well.

Link: Book search 👈

Case 1: Search filter component

Case 1 is for the company C***a. This is the one that starts the job hunt.

Link: Confirmation 👈